Pregnant? Have a newborn? Watch Dr. Tanya’s breastfeeding basics step by step video on Web MD.
Babies need lots of stuff—all the time. Today’s perfect baby bag is so much more than bottles and diapers. It’s a care takers dream! It’s every baby supply you ever needed and it’s all in the most amazing bag that
Dr. Tanya,
Is it normal that my 5 weeks old boy clears his throat during his
sleep at night? After he clears his throat, he also stretches his
arms and legs and then goes back to sleep.
He doesn’t have
Everywhere I go parents ask me how to get their children to sleep all night in their own crib or bed. Want to enjoy more nighttime Z’s? This is for all parents of infants and toddlers not yet
Improper latch-on can cause pain and really interfere with breastfeeding. Here is a walk-through on proper latch straight from my own lactation consultant, Elisa Hirsch, RN, BSN, IBCLC.
Position your baby with her body facing yours and with her nose
By Tanya Remer Altmann, MD, FAAP
In the hospital you have lots of help—nurses, lactation consultants and doctors—all at your beck and call. Then comes the time to take your little one home. You’ve read the “must-have” books, subscribed to
By Tanya Remer Altmann, MD, FAAP
It’s 2 am. Your first night home from the hospital. The baby is crying and you’re exhausted. Is she hungry, wet, tired…aaahhh! You’ve read all the must-have parenting books.
Stay hydrated (keep a water bottle within reach while nursing).
Eat a balanced diet (about 500 calories more than you ate before pregnancy…yummy!).
Breastfeed regularly.
Pump it up (pump an extra morning feed if you have time).
Get enough
While breastfeeding can admittedly seem demanding because of the significant time commitment required (believe me, I know!), the benefits are well documented and the experience is priceless. Mother’s milk provides immunity against bacteria and viruses (less sick time for your